Site and tours search for «Silpo Voyage» travel agency chain

About the project:

A site of «Silpo Voyage» travel agency chain with tour search system of all major tour operators in Ukraine. Basic requirements were:
— Current prices in the tour selection
— Hotel comparison mechanism
— Integration with a client CRM-system
— A client`s specialist should carry out the support after the development


We started to work with consulting both the client and the design studio, which developed the site prototype and design.

The most complicated part of our work was to develop tours search. Otpusk.Shlyuz, which united all the major operators in Ukraine, became the source of tours data. As the basis for the existing frontend the Otpusk.NaSayt search module was taken. There we changed the forms behavior, grouping the search results, the tour page was completely redone, and the ability to sort tours by TurPravda rating and other features were added.

Tour order forms are connected to the client`s CRM-system by API.
To provide the speed of development and enable the client to independently support the project after finishing of our work, a client`s specialist also participated in the development team.